Saijo Temple in Minami Ashigara City, Kanagawa Prefecture

<Kevin`s 英会話 スクール  �足柄市��田原�渋沢>

Saturday, July 28, 2007

KES Model Day at our Tsukahara School in Minami Ashigara

by Chris Zanella

So I held my first model class here. We thought this would be a good weekend but it turns out the students are all on summer break. And, there is a big soccer camp going on now that some of my students were attending. So I only had 6 students but I will be doing this again in September after my summer break.

The models I bought the same weekend I went to the Tokyo Toy show. The store owner of Leonardo's gave me a huge discount on the models shown in picture #1, so they only cost about 50-60 cents each plus some I had in there for myself not pictured (those were about $10.00 each). Leonardo's is the place that was a used shop with 5 floors and 8 locations in Japan.

I showed the students how to remove with sprue cutters and to file the nubs left behind away. I was afraid hobby knives might be a little much for some of them. The students were as young as 5 and the oldest I believe was 9. We used the closest thing I could find to sharpies for painting. And there was very little gluing needed so I did that for each model.

I hope you guys enjoy the pics.

Kevin`s English Schools` Model Day Gallery.
More Kevin`s English Schools Model Day Photos

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Friday, July 20, 2007

OLL: Question/Answer Tag

This is an activity I have done for years off and on with childrens classes. You pre-teach a new question each class and make sure the class understands how to ask and answer it. ie) Can you play baseball?
As the weeks go by they have more potential questions they can ask and answer.

You go outside or can do it in a large room on a rainy day. If it is a class of 6 or more I usually have two or more people be it. The people who are it, try to touch those who are not. When they do they must
ask a question. The child touched must answer it, and then she or he is it and must try to touch someone else. Optional: You can have them count to ten before they touch someone else, otherwise they sometimes just touch the same child over and over again.

We usually play it until we are too tired. It is a big hit with the children and a lot of English is
spoken in a very fun way.

What are your ideas for OLL?

Kevin Burns

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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

OLL: Outdoor Language Learning

More KES Model Day photos

OLL: Outdoor Language Learning

For English teachers, there is a new group discussing ideas for outdoor language teaching and learning. It was inspired by an article in the Language Teacher.

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